Ludlow Junior School

Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 section of the website. This is where you will find out what we will be learning this year. You can also access your home learning here too!

Year 6 is a fantastic year as you are the oldest pupils within the school which means you have the responsibility of setting an excellent example for our younger pupils. All of the year 6 classes are named after capital cities: Tokyo, Paris, Madrid, Cairo and Canberra.

In Year 6, there are some very exciting topics. In the Autumn term, we will be learning about World War 1 and 2. In English lessons, we will be working on our formal writing skills by writing non-chronological reports about spies and even writing our very own spy mission report!

We are very excited to see all the incredible work you produce!

Mr Holland and Miss Daly

Year 6 Curriculum

Year 6 Home Learning