Ludlow Junior School

Year 4 Home Learning

Home Learning at Ludlow Junior School

As part of our Home Learning Policy, we ask you to support your children with their weekly home learning which will be due in on Fridays.

Children will be tested on their spellings and times tables on Fridays and their home learning booklets will be collected so that teachers can see their reading logs.

Children who regularly complete home learning to a high standard will be rewarded. Teachers will phone home when they are concerned that home learning is frequently not being completed.

This includes:

  1. Spellings 

We ask that you practise the spellings in your child’s home reading booklet with them at home every day. The booklets are needed in school every day so please return these to their bags once you have finished practising. After they have been tested on spellings, their score will be recorded in their spellings booklets for you to see. Please continue to practise any spellings with your child that they got incorrect.

Some children are learning a different set of spellings and will have a blank booklet that will have personalised spellings hand-written in. These children do not need to learn the year group spellings as well.

  1. Times Tables

Every child is assessed on their times table knowledge individually and as a result, each child will have a different focus times table that they need to be learning. Each week, your child’s score will be recorded in their home reading booklet as well as the table they need to be practising the following week. Children can practise these by reciting them, playing the games in the attached document or through Times Table Rockstars.

You can access Times Table Rockstars via the link below:

  1. Reading

We encourage the children to be reading at home every day (minimum 3 x a week). This could be:

  • independent reading if confident
  • reading with an adult
  • at least one of these times should be on Bug Club because this is an allocated book at the right level with questions to support and extend your child.

You can access BugClub via the link below:

Please sign the reading log in your child’s home learning booklet each week.

Please see links below for documents information on how to access Bug Club and TTRS as well as ideas for practising spellings and times tables.