Ludlow Junior School


Pupil Wellbeing Team


All the staff at Ludlow are committed to supporting our children’s wellbeing We have a wellbeing team led by Ms Locke – (Family and Pupil Wellbeing lead and deputy designated safeguarding lead)

Dedicated to caring for children’s wellbeing, our team are trained by educational psychologists, enabling them to offer pupils support during emotionally challenging times.

The Wellbeing Team work closely with parents and teachers, providing support for children in a range of areas, some of which include :

  • Recognising, understanding and discussing feelings.
  • Coping with anxiety and fear.
  • Dealing with changes in families, relationships and homes such as divorce/separation, new siblings, moving home etc.
  • Transition – to new schools and to new year groups.
  • Coping with serious illness and bereavement.
  • Supporting children with establishing positive friendships and enjoying their recreational times.

Team members are in the playground every morning to meet and greet our families. Should pupils find coming in to school difficult at any time we are here to help so please come and speak with us

If you feel your child would benefit from wellbeing support, please call the school number to arrange a meeting with Ms Locke.