Ludlow Junior School

Playground Pals

Playground Pals are a valuable part of our  school community.

Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils can  apply to be a playground pal. If selected they attend an initial  training session to learn about their role and duties. Playground Pals are on duty 1-5 days per week depending on their preference and  wear a uniform of a blue fleece. 

Playground Pal Duties include:

  • Setting up playground equipment and music system
  • Helping to resolve disagreements.
  • Befriending children who are sometimes isolated
  • • Act as positive role models
  • Award certificates in assembly to children they have identified as being a good friend to someone, being helpful or being kind to others.

The Playground Pals attend  regular meetings with the Learning Mentor Team to talk through any issues, make changes  and evaluate their role.

The Playground Pal role helps to develop confidence, responsibility, reliability, teamwork and leadership skills.


Playground Pal Comments

“I like being able to help people sort their arguments out.”

“The playground is much happier.”

“People notice me and talk to me now, not just when I have my uniform on. It feels like I am famous.”

“I felt proud when I gave my certificate out in assembly, even though I was a bit nervous.”