Ludlow Junior School


Meet Hamish our school dog. Hamish is a medium size labradoodle and was born on 30th November 2015. He has been coming into school since he was 3 months old. He attends school everyday. He is very popular with everyone. Hamish can often be found doing supportive work with our well-being team. Hamish also

  • supports 1:1 or small group conversations with adults and children
  • visits children or classes as a reward
  • Works with children who are unsure of dogs or are dog phobic
  • Supports curriculum work as a focus, Year 3 art

Sometimes Hamish attends interviews, meetings, site walks and he often helps us to celebrate pupil achievements such as brilliant books 

In September the year 3 pupils attend an assembly dedicated to Hamish. So that they can meet him, learn about him and have the opportunity to ask question. They also learn how to be respectful towards Hamish by always asking  an adult if they would like to stroke or pet him. Hamish usually ends the assembly with a few tricks and a goodbye wave.

Later in the Autumn term as part of the art curriculum the Year 3 children paint or draw a portrait of Hamish. Click on the Year 3 Hamish art link to see their amazing artwork. 

Hamish Art

Some wonderful Hamish art work from Year 3


Every year the school celebrates Hamish’s birthday by holding a fundraising event for an identified charity that supports dogs and their welfare. 

A team of year 5 pupils are recruited as Hamish NewsHounds, they  interview representatives from the  charity and write a report for the website. Previous charities have included, guide dogs for the blind, Doodle Aid, Blue Cross, Street Vet and The Cinnamon Trust. Click on the  Hamish NewsHounds section to read their wonderful reports.

Hamish Newshounds